Top 5 Security Trends for 2022

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Top 5 Security Trends for 2022

The year 2021 is finally over and it’s the beginning of a new year. We are all now on the lookout for the latest, most popular, and most effective security industry trends for 2022. Here are our top five (5) predictions for what will be trending in the security industry for 2022.

1. Artificial intelligence continues to gain momentum

AI-based technology has been top-of-the-charts for the past few years, with a jump in popularity starting during the pandemic. According to the Security Industry Association (SIA), around 52% of companies have invested at least some of their research and development money into AI, and 22% had heavy R&D AI investments. Moreover, the number of companies maintaining they put all their R&D AI-based investments went from 3% in 2020 to 13% in 2021. There will always be some hesitation when it comes to AI and deep learning, such as these myths that circulate around artificial intelligence, but its popularity and use for various applications are growing faster.

2. New precautionary health & safety programs will be in-demand

The country is tired of COVID restrictions, mask mandates, and shutdowns. With the rise of the Delta and Omicron Variants, companies in every industry are still struggling to keep up with demand while keeping their doors open—all the while preventing the spread of this infectious disease. Technologies such as  social-distancing detection, temperature detection, and facial recognition will continue to be in-demand for client-facing—and even B2B—companies. Unfortunately, these variants don’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon, which will mean companies with non-remote workers may need to adopt these technologies for the long run to prevent closure.

3. Cybersecurity programs and secure servers will be more in-demand than ever

The need to protect client data continues to rise as we face more and more cybersecurity threats and hackers. For instance, with Apache-based program, users recently had to face the threat of the Log4J vulnerability. Luckily, Our GANZ products do not use the Apache Log4j Java logging libraries , therefore; our products are secure, but other companies may not be as lucky.

4. Data privacy

With the growing attention to cybersecurity, there is a large increase of interest in individual and company privacy. New laws—and lawsuits—seem to spring up every day over this issue. That’s why it is so important to choose products that put data privacy in front-of-mind, such as our video management system, which can also use secure servers that protect its users.

5. Program interoperability & unity

As companies continue to bulk up their security and cybersecurity programs, the need for a cross-functional and user-friendly platform to manage multiple programs continues to grow. From door systems, security footage, biometric scanners, and now all the COVID-related technologies such as mask and temperature detections in place, users have a growing need for interoperable, comprehensive software programs such as CORTROL.

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